Three Squares
New England


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When we were kids, there was nothing like the excitement of receiving a gift. The happiness from unwrapping a gift or shaking a box to figure out what was inside was unadulterated joy.

Now, as we are older, we experience more enjoyment when we watch others open the gifts we give and the giddy feeling we had when we were young is now a joyful feeling from making others smile. This thrill cannot be underrated. It is good for the soul.

Scientists believe that altruistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain, producing the positive feeling known as the “helper’s high.” (source: The article focuses on the health effects on the body as well as the mindset. An expression of gratitude whether in words or gifts not only boosts your happiness-meter but also strengthens the connection between one another and creates a bond. Gift giving reinvigorates oneself and strengthens generosity.

So, this holiday season, when you give gifts to your family and friends, volunteer or donate to a charity, please take a moment to soak in the gratitude of those around you, because the giving brings benefits beyond the moment.

And we want to take this opportunity to say Thank You for all you have done for us over the years.

With Gratitude and wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year,

Three Squares New England